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Bam Protective Flute Shield

Bam Protective Flute Shield

Regular price $34.00
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Bam Protective Flute Shield 

Designed for the Peforming Flutist! The BAM flute protection has been designed to fulfill any musician’s needs. It could be placed at the beginning of the teaching or rehearsal day and removed by the end of the music session. Put away in its plastic bag, it will be stored safely before disinfection.

PLAY IT SAFE - The flute shield has been designed with a non-abrasive material; your flute will not be scratched by placing it. Functional and economical!


1. Glue the whole piece on the visor with the double-sided sticky patches

2. Before removing the patch’s seal, check and choose the visor holder’s position which suits you and your instrument
3. Place the double-sided sticky patch C on part B
4. Fit the clip A into the visor holder B
5. Pick clips A fitting your flute size (clips have been classified according to their diameter from 1 to 3)
6. Choose the B part according to your flute/recorder
For the transverse flute version, make sure the thinner side of part B is outward

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